Today’s HR Generalist typically undertakes a broad range of responsibilities and serves as the backbone of an organization’s internal communications system. In the aftermath of the pandemic, 90% of people said they desired communication from their employer on a weekly basis. This underscores an enduring need (and challenge) to execute pivotal HR functions effectively in the remote work environment, all while avoiding the vicious internal comms cycle

Since materializing a robust comms strategy is easier said than done, we developed a six-step guide all about aligning HR and internal communications for stronger company branding and collaboration.

Let’s start with your internal comms fundamentals:

1 – Take Stock 

The journey towards effective internal communications begins by assessing the landscape of company-wide and departmental content. You can begin this process by compiling an inventory of the content contributors, identifying key authors, and tracing the sources of information. 

Cleary helps make this first step less tedious with a simplified search solution, that readily unveils the existing communication ecosystem for your team. From which, there can be greater clarity regarding the voices that shape the company’s messaging and potential areas of improvement. 

2 – Revamp All-Hands Meeting 

All-hands meetings are a powerful tool for fostering unity and transparency. That said, their sheer scope can often hinder their efficacy. Cleary’s evolved team meetings makes it easier than ever to collaborate on the day’s agenda without team-wide stress and confusion. 

Some innovative upgrades include soliciting questions prior to the meeting, providing recaps, and integrating feedback channels. Such shifts round out a team platform in which collaboration runs smoother from start to finish and every member can easily stay up to speed without spending hours in a stuffy conference room. 

3 – Craft a Company Newsletter

A well-designed company newsletter still stands as a cornerstone of internal communications. Creating a visually engaging yet concise digest that encapsulates essential information and updates (ex. key achievements, employee spotlights, and upcoming events) is a crucial baseline for communication between leadership and employees.

Having a consolidated and reliable source of information ensures that employees can seamlessly stay informed about the latest company happenings. However, 77% of companies believe that email is no longer a viable communication tool. 

This hesitancy towards traditional newsletters as an outdated source can inadvertently perpetuate an unorganized internal comms system. Cleary’s platform helps bridge this gap by taking a more holistic approach to the employee experience, where a newsletter serves as an authentic extension of a company’s current communications ecosystem. 

4 – Develop a Content Calendar

Similar to a company newsletter,  a well-structured content calendar is another pillar of internal comms that cannot be overlooked. This organizational tool acts as a guiding compass in the digital workspace and helps prevent gaps and inconsistencies in productivity from day to day and week to week. 

Ensuring a smooth workflow for distributed teams, Cleary’s approach to communications streamlines the organization process on all fronts – from company news and resources to team posts and HRIS integrations. 

5 – Incorporate Recognition

Acknowledging and celebrating employees’ contributions is the key to a motivated workforce. This is no surprise, given we all work better when we feel that our efforts are appreciated instead of passed over.

The logistical challenge then arises in effectively integratating recognition practices into communication formats. Cleary specializes in evolving remote work culture along these lines. By honing in on people and culture, we support a variety of employee recognition tactics – including peer-to-peer shoutouts and public recognition of achievements and employee milestones. The result is a work culture that organically sustains rapport across departments. 

6 – Gather Feedback

The pursuit of effective internal communications is incomplete without capturing the voice of your employees. Yet, today, only 22% of companies report surveying staff quarterly. 

Launching surveys to gauge their preferences and needs is critical in strengthening collaboration long-term. By listening to and acting on the feedback you receive, you craft a communication strategy that hinges on transparency and resonates with staff concerns and aspirations. 

That said, the communications cycle can sometimes incur information overload for staff. Cleary combats this and helps reduce noise with opt-in features and target audience messaging so your most critical emails don’t get washed away in a sea of daily correspondence. 

In all, striking the right balance between sustaining meaningful interactions and avoiding the traps of an overwhelming communications cycle is paramount. By implementing these six fundamental steps, HR Generalists can work to bridge the gap between management and employees, ensuring that information flows seamlessly, company messaging remains aligned, and engagement soars to new heights.