The surge in remote and hybrid work has fundamentally transformed the corporate landscape, making the measurement of internal communications more critical than ever before. A recent industry report underscores this urgency, revealing that 50% of internal communicators lack the essential tools to efficiently gauge the impact of their efforts. 


At Cleary, we recognize that these gaps in internal communications (IC) analytics procure interlocking challenges for teams transitioning to and refining a WFH model. Today, we dive into 5 essential metrics for evaluating and enhancing your internal communication strategy to realize concurrent goals of organizational culture, productivity, and employee satisfaction in 2024.


The Paradigm Shift in IC Metrics

In the past, internal communications were primarily gauged through basic metrics like open and click-through rates. However, 2024 demands a more comprehensive and nuanced approach that bridges the communication gaps between employees and management. Specifically, modern IC requires a blend of qualitative and quantitative data to truly assess its impact on employee engagement and organizational culture in the hybrid workforce. This shift is not just about numbers; it’s about understanding the story behind these numbers and how they influence the overall employee experience on a day-to-day basis. 


Key Metrics for Measuring Internal Communications:


Engagement Metrics: Beyond open rates, engagement metrics provide deeper insights into how employees uniquely interact with internal communications. This includes time spent on messages, interaction rates (likes, comments, shares), and participation in internal surveys or polls. These metrics are indispensable to honing an astute IC strategy and the bread and butter for fostering employee engagement.

Behavioral Analytics:
Understanding how communication influences employee behavior and workflow is crucial. Metrics such as participation in company initiatives, changes in productivity patterns, and responses to calls-to-action in targeted communications can offer crucial insights regarding organizational culture and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Sentiment Analysis:
Leveraging AI tools for sentiment analysis helps gauge the mood and tone of employee responses. This qualitative metric offers a glimpse into the emotional impact of your communications and can guide strategy adjustments and shape employee recognition initiatives. It’s also a time-efficient avenue of analysis, as AI algorithms can quickly process swaths of data and extract patterns that otherwise go unnoticed.

Channel Effectiveness:
With multiple platforms in use, it’s important to measure which channels (emails, intranets like Cleary, social networks, etc.) are most effective in reaching and engaging your employees. The predominant and preferred channel for office communication is still e-mail (94%). Yet, decisive tracking of this routine communication tool is sorely lacking, leading to flooded inboxes and information overload.

Feedback and Self-Assessment:
As of 2023, 62% of IC professionals were using survey results to track their efforts. Regular bi-annual or quarterly internal surveys and feedback mechanisms provide direct insights into the effectiveness of communication channels, helping executives locate areas of improvement in company culture as it develops. Additionally, encouraging employees to share their thoughts and acting upon their feedback fosters more trust and transparency over time, which is key to a positive employee experience.


Leveraging Cleary for Enhanced Measurement


At Cleary, while we focus on streamlining internal communications, we also understand the importance of measuring their impact. Our platform integrates features that allow organizations to easily track and fine-tune their IC efforts as they adapt to the WFH model. We provide a holistic view of how communications are received and interacted with, enabling organizations to make data-backed and human-centric strategy shifts.


When it comes to collecting this crucial data, the future of IC measurement lies in advanced analytics and targeted messaging. Tools offering real-time insights, predictive analytics, and AI-powered sentiment analysis play a transformative role, turning raw quantitative insights into actionable intelligence. These technologies enable IC professionals to tailor their strategies to meet the evolving needs of their dispersed teams. 


Undoubtedly, change is in the air when it comes to internal communications in 2024. In fact, a decisive 93% of internal communicators are interested in incorporating new ideas into their strategy next year. Cleary is here to make it easier than ever for IC pros to tailor their approach and achieve their vision, enhancing the WFH employee experience with a mix of traditional and advanced metrics. 


As we move forward into the New Year, emphasizing impactful measurement will not only elevate employee engagement but also align communication strategies with broader organizational goals for a brighter and more flexible future of work. Cleary is dedicated to being a guiding force in this transformative journey, ensuring that internal communication not only adapts but flourishes in harmony with the ever-evolving dynamics of the modern workplace.